Northwest Council of Mayors
The Northwest Municipal Conference serves as home for the Northwest Council of Mayors, a cooperative body focused upon programming federal transportation funding for local road, transit, and bicycle facility projects. Members of the Northwest Council operate through a Technical Committee comprised of local mayors and managers whose mission is to identify and address local improvements to the transportation network. The Northwest Council is part of the larger Council of Mayors, comprised of 11 sub-regional councils representing local governments on transportation issues through the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). CMAP serves as the Chicago region’s metropolitan planning organization, and is responsible for the programming of federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding. Staff also assists municipalities with programming other federal transportation fund sources including the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program, Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) funds, Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and Safe Routes to School funds.
The staff contact for the Northwest Council of Mayors is Eric Czarnota.
The following municipalities are members of the Northwest Council:
Arlington Heights, Barrington, Bartlett*, Buffalo Grove**, Des Plaines, Elk Grove Village, Hanover Park*, Hoffman Estates, Inverness***, Mount Prospect, Niles, Palatine, Park Ridge, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg, South Barrington***, Streamwood, and Wheeling.
* also a member of DuPage Council
** also a member of Lake Council
*** not a NWMC member